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You can't just go changing your name... DUH!!??

I read this article today and the jist of it was a family; a dad, mom and kids, used their orignal mom and dad last names combined to make their last name.

Yes, I did just say that in the most complicated manner possible. The parents took a portion of both their last names to create one last name they all used.

They didn't have a problem until they moved from one state to another. Apparently the first state was too stupid to figure out what a terrible idea this was, they were asleep at the wheel somewhere, or this just had never come up (doubt it).

The state they moved to said, "no way jose!" To the people (I don't remember the last name, as it was stupid and didn't really exist).

Clearly I did not read the whole article, but I still think I nailed they hammer on the head. Unless the article changed drastically from where it started.

Here is the article, if you want the details.