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Last Hit

This goofy little blog I'm up too is a direct result of trauma I went through.
That's how I roll.
Life gives me lemons. I make Chicken Piccata with capers and lovely butter sauce.
I can't give up. I can't give in. I just keep trying.

I played a KICK ASS game as a kid with my little brother.
We affectionately referred to it as the "last hit" game.
Whoever got the "last hit" was the reigning winner, until the next "last hit".
A soft sly hit was the MOST productive, but if you really wanted to win, the key was to NEVER QUIT.

Never give up.
I've never given up.
I want to sometimes.
I Never will.

Many people have uttered this mantra.

I've uttered it a million times.

Words are nice. They help you cope.
Who the FUCK wants to just cope?

Copers are victims.

DOers are not.
I can't cope.
I have to DO.

I had the benefit of a lot of trauma in childhood, so I got good at this.
I learned how to NOT COPE, but DO.

Sometimes I let my guard down.
Sometimes I get tired.
But, I don't quit.

If I quit the "last hit", my little pain in the butt brother would win.
Can't have that!

This game may still be going on today.
If I ever see my little brother again, I'm gonna hug him,
SO I can slap him in the back of the head.
So  I can get the "LAST HIT".
I have to.
I can't quit.