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Don't Cuss in Front of the Children!!

OMG!! Did we forget this rule?
Seriously, don't fucking cuss in front of the children! They're susceptible to a lot of things and if you expose them too soon, it can really fuck them up!

Whoa Ranty,
Actually, I feel a need to be Ranty here!

50 shades of grey made our country go BAT SHIT CRAZY!
Seriously, I saw Weathermen AND Cinderella on television talking about WHIPS and being tied up!! Are you fucking kidding me? I don't know how you raise YOUR kid, but mine really does not need to know what S&M and bondage are, just yet.

Ellen thinks my kid should, at least, be informed enough to wonder?
The Today Show (news? ha,ha), thinks she should have enough information, to, ASK the right questions.
Holy shit? Did they say that?
No, they can't, that would be wrong. But, they just stuck it in their face CONSTANTLY and IMPLIED IT, ALL OVER the fucking place!! I wish they had been the only ones. Every Fucking Body on television was doing it???

"What is 50 shades of grey about mommy?" My kiddo asks, after yet, another fucking idiot ADULT on television feels the need to bring it up, in a laughing, fun way. I mean really, you are making it sound fucking FANTASTIC for a kid. Everybody is talking about it and having a great time!! I want that TOO!!

I guide them and point them in the right direction. But, if I point them toward an Adult, I trust, during family time and even THAT PERSON is fucking doing shit I would NEVER CONDONE in my own living room. Who the fuck is left?

When the kids are around, you don't cuss. For the adults who have forgotten this or why we do this, here is a tutorial:

I cuss openly and freely = my kid thinks cussing is okay.
I talk happily and openly about sex and drugs = my kid thinks sex and drugs are okay.
I enjoy smoking = my kid thinks smoking is okay.

The Adult you trust does fucked up shit = my kid thinks fucked up shit is okay.

.... but hey, EVERYBODY'S DOING IT... HEY "Adult", go jump off a bridge, why don't you?

This is NOT OKAY! Some things are to be done and said behind closed doors, and NOT in Front of the Children!!

(It's not that fucking complicated!)