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Pay Toilet

I was a little distracted in school. It was hard to get a kid like me to pay attention.

I had a math teacher who used to use fantastic words like fiduciary and causation to try to get us to look up.
He even used silly idioms like;

"It's worse than a pay toilet in a diarrhea ward."

That IS a TERRIBLE visual, but a visual none-the-less, and it worked. I have NEVER forgotten that phrase.

I've always had a ton of ideas swirling around in my head.
Some fantastic and interesting. Some completely hair brained.

This idea is not an original idea, I have, but it isn't hair brained either. It is fantastic.

PAY TOILETS!! Yes, in public places. You pay.

They do it ALL over Europe. You pay a Euro, you get to go. Kids are free.

I know I would pay 50 cents to a dollar to go into a place that DID NOT look like a pay toilet in a diarrhea ward.

Also, this provides a whole new area of gainful employment. There are public bathrooms all over this country!

The problems I see are:

The government will step in and regulate the shit out of it, causing this to be, yet another job that becomes to complicated and expensive to even create.
Dear Government, Stay the fuck away from this industry.

The credit card companies will install credit card swipers all over the place, or in place of a dollar or some change being easily handed over. This would create a bathroom break costing seventy-five cents to three dollars MORE than it would have.
Dear Credit Card Companies, Go the fuck away, find some other way to screw over your nation. Thank you

Okay, Ready to GO.... literally