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Put Your Panties On America

I hate to fan the xenophobic flame that burns so brightly in America, but as it turns out, We are a bunch of pussies in the drinking department. You, know, compared to OVER THERE.

They have their shit together. They hold their liquor. They aren't a bunch of overloaded, spazed out, belligerent fucks. They keep that shit locked down.

Okay, maybe they're not that perfect, but drinking is part of their culture, and they accept it. They drink. They ALL FUCKING DRINK. It is no big deal AT ALL.

Because they all drink, they know how to keep it together, function with it.

I know. You're the one person on Earth that doesn't have a vice and theirs is too much! Whatever, we all have vices. If you don't enjoy or acknowledge your vice it will likely become your addiction. Good luck with that.

Now, I know it's not entirely possible OVER HERE.
The reasons being public transportation sucks balls in this country.

I know, the Government, has let you down again. But, I'll get back to that later.

People need to acknowledge they like to drink sometimes.
It's not a big fucking deal.
If IT Is, it's NOT the booze.
If you take THAT PERSON's booze, they'll find something else.

I wish we'd get it together.
If we started walking, riding bikes, using cabs, demanded public transportation, used the roads cohesively, became better educated drivers, we could all just chill the fuck out
have a drink.

You know, it's the old it's not US it's You,
 from THEM.
GOVERNMENT WARNING: (1) According to the Surgeon General, women should not drink alcoholic beverages during pregnancy because of the risk of birth defects. (2) Consumption of alcoholic beverages impairs your ability to drive a car or operate machinery, and may cause health problems”