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Rocket Science

I've watched A LOT of kids in my time.

My first full time job, besides little baby sitting jobs here and there, was watching a 6 month old all summer. I was 13.

I look back at that sweet baby, and those poor parents, who had to hire me, and hope they're all doing well today.

This I know is true.
Babies are tiny people.


A study came out a year ago, saying talking to babies will increase their intelligence. That's nice. That's great, actually. Why the fuck did this take so long? Who does these studies? Helen Keller?

When you meet a baby, if you get right down to their level and make eye contact, they will engage with you.
Talk to them.
Talk back to them, when they "talk" to you.
Have a glorious (yet, maybe private) babble gab fest with the tike. They frickin' love it. You are speaking their language!! They may look at you like, "Great, Dad/Mom's an idiot." But soon enough they'll catch on and be ready to dish!!

When they get a little older, you know, sitting up in that petri dish called a grocery cart, they are ready for the action! Tell them what you are buying and what you will be doing with that. Tell them about the looney behind the register and have a good laugh! Let them put in their toothless two cents.

Meet the babies you run into. I see dinky people,... they're everywhere. They're NOT Scary. Talk to them.
Look those little blobs of joy in the eyes and say hello.

Say hello to their parents too, they probably need a little engagement themselves.

I know, groundbreaking.
Sadly, it kinda is. It definitely should NOT be anymore!


It's NOT rocket science.