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Home On The Range

Home, home on the range...

... Where seldom is heard a discouraging word, and the sky is not cloudy all day...

Ahh, the open air, the freedom of solitude out on the range.

When my little one was new to the talking game, I tried out a joke with her, she would deliver my punchline.

"Honey, how much cents do you have?" I would ask
"No sense at all," she would respond.

She could have been a fantastic party trick for me!
The husband cut me off.  He wouldn't let me use the kiddo as a punchline. So annoying!
Actually, thank god he was there.
I've been there for him too.
We're a team.

Raising kids makes rustling cows look easy, not to mention the smell!

There is no solitude in raising kids.

I hitched my wagon to a good cowboy.

Some people hitch their wagons wrong.
They "get hitched" to dogs, chickens, or bulls, or worst yet, a jackass.

This is not only sad, it makes no sense?

You're gonna be home on that range for a long time, why would you choose to be there with a lame duck?

 Choose a good parent.
"Choose a good daddy."
This is my new punchline to my kiddo's life.

Me -"How will you know he's a good man to marry?"
Kiddo's - "Choose a good daddy!"

A good daddy will want to be a good husband to keep his little home on the range not cloudy all day.
It just makes cents.