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Subtle Hint

This goes out to the guys.

I've had primarily male friends the majority of my life, so I'm assuming at least one of you Assholes reads me.

Men lack subtly, like me.

Men's inability to read subtly is why I'm here, for my ladies, to club you Mother Effer's in the head, for them.

Listen Up Boys...
It's a fact. You like us ladies. You have too. We're softer than you, and, despite all your hardness, You Like Soft.

Keep Us Ladies Happy by doing ONE THING...

It doesn't matter where you go or what you do (well, some of you I worry extra hard about here), but get them the fuck out!

AND, NO, the Home Depot is not OUT.

Look, you knuckle heads, ladies need the same things a flower needs, (we're fucking delicate) a little sunlight and fresh air.

Take your gal OUT, on trip to the grocery store to pick fabulous food items for  YOU TO COOK, for her. Ladies like parks, and walks, and dinner, and museums, and getting the fuck out of the house.

Can I be anymore clear?

I don't know,

Sometimes you need to be clubbed over the head.
Men are not the best with subtly.

I'm gonna wrap this up now, because I also know, you dudes can't be expected to pay attention to "chick shit" for too long either!
HA! I love my boys!!