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Til Death Do Us Part

Life is hard. It can really get you down sometimes. It's nice when you have the most important people in life to help you get through it; YOUR FAMILY. Family is there for you.  FOR LIFE,  or until death, or until the death of the relationship.
I have experienced the death of every family relationship I have ever known except my Married with Children one.
I am currently going through ONE of the hardest times in my life. My health is in the toilet, both with the detox and what got me here in the first place (more luck in the 'ol genes department!!).  My finances are FUBR.
This is all causing us to use the CACA out of our vows... AND we had NOT planned on that!! HA!
SO... I've learned to ALWAYS, always, think, deep down, that Family Life always dies. Or at least this is the phobia I've developed for this VERY reason. I know this is a natural feeling. I know it's a naturally SUCK ASS Phobic FEELING.
The good about all of this is... I mean seriously, I'm bumming my own self out at this point!!
The GOOD about all of this is, (besides the fact my husband is STILL HERE??!!!) Is that I have already ridden this bike!! If the ONLY person in life left, who ACTUALLY SIGNED UP FOR THIS SHIT, bailed, I WOULD, and CAN continue on.  I've done it. I've done it MANY MANY times before. I can get through having nothing.
There is death and there is life. We have one life. We get to experience many deaths, unfortunately. That's a fucked up deal. This leaves me with the only choice I have left. I get to choose life. I also get to choose how I live MY life.
I CAN get through the worst life has to offer. I will not wither and die. I will live it WELL for me. I will live it right for my Married with Children family because it IS UNTIL DEATH DO WE PART and I don't think I know how to do do that?